At the end our our presentations, we pass around evaluations for the students to fill out (and separate ones for the teachers). It's a way for us to see what the kids are learning/picking up and how effective we're being.
Yesterday a student in gr. 7 learned that he should "not try to be someone else." What a great lesson for him to have learned!
There's also a spot on the paper where they are asked "would you recommend this presenter" and can circle yes or no. This week in responses I not only got almost all yes's (3 boys said no, which isn't a bad ratio out of 220 students), I got a bit extra from some students. One student circled yes, then drew an arrow and wrote "totally!" and circled it. Another student circled "yes" and wrote "x10!" and another guy said "yes x2." A bunch of people circled "yes" multiple times. One girl put stars next to her very circled "yes" and wrote "so great!" Another heavily circled yes had a note underneath saying "She's awesome! (and pretty)"
Also, one student told me that I gave the BEST sex ed talk ever! I'll take that!
I haven't recently had any students tell me I deserve a raise, but those comments always make me smile.
It's great that there's always a silver lining that can be found in the midst of a really crazy week.