Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was just listening to a detective talk about sex crimes.
I was also munching on candy hearts.
I ate one that said "why wait" during a rape story.

also, I am now currently angry at Canadian law because our criminal code sucks regarding sexual assault. and you can get more time for drowning your cat than for anally raping someone.


Dave Stoffer said...

About that. I met a guy a few weeks ago who thought that animals should have about the same rights has humans.

How ridiculous. These animal wackos need to see how more important human life is than animals.

Hope your staying warm up there in Canada.

Ryan Fishel said...

We certainly are born into some weird times. I am glad though that we aren't so used to what is happening that they still don't shake us up and "make us sick."

Tina said...

that is so sad!!!! meghan, hey, i am back with blogging. but i am doing it in german, sorry, this is the language of my heart. meghan, i love you. big big hug.