Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm excited about prayer!

So recently I've been really desiring to pray more and deeper...so when school on Monday was on prayer and missions, I was very excited. I'm even going back today on my day off, haha. Anyway, our teacher mentioned a book called "Red Moon Rising" (which I want, and by the way my birthday is coming up, haha) and lent it to me. I have to give it back today, but I'm almost done it anyways. But yeah, it's got me even more excited.
Then last night Sarah and I went on an adventure, camping by the lake. And as we were there there were two people fighting with each other. So of course we started to pray. We were afraid the girl was going to be raped, and boy did we pray! It was so awesome and powerful...and sad at the same time. They were running away from God. As we covered the field in prayer they got on their bike and went away, but we could still hear them and see their bike light. So we just prayed even more, for I don't know how long, but they can't outrun God. I feel like this is a very unexciting rendition of our intense time of prayer, but it's really early in the morning and we just got back, so I'll write more of my thoughts on prayer after I catch some zzz's.

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