Monday, October 17, 2005

mirrors reveal ugliness

Analogy of the day:
If you have a huge zit on your face but are unaware of it (despite the fact that it could very possibly be've ignored it up to this point) and someone shoves a mirror into your face and you see this zit you have a decision to make. Deal with the zit, or shove the mirror away.
Well, Andy shoved the mirror away when he was confronted by the gospel today. I am brokenhearted by the fact that he refuses to see the truth, or accept it at least. He is so "tolerant" of everyone else's opinion, but completely intolerant of what the Bible says. All these accusations and words he says...don't even hurt. They seem quite ridiculous, because I know that behind it all he is fighting a battle and struggling so hard against the truth of the Bible. And yes, the gospel is offensive, and convicting! So I just pray for him all the more that he will stop pushing the mirror away and lashing out, trying to prove (unsuccessfully) that the mirror is wrong.
It's cool, because I do consider this pure joy, to be facing this trial. I'm excited because I know that God is at work. Amen!

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