Wednesday, October 05, 2005

phones eggs jazz and alpha

"there was no pasta, there was just ketchup"
my roomie just said that. regarding what we had for dinner yesterday.
the tradition of being awakened by the phone on my day off continued, but that's ok. It was a lovely day off...Tina, Maurice and I went to the Westerpark and took fun pictures and did devos together and sang songs together (the backpack guitar case has become a good friend) and in general had a lovely time. And Dave made us ham and cheese omlettes for supper and they were really good so I've discovered that my hatred for eggs is waning...I can handle omlettes. woohoo! And then we went to the Christian cafe for hot chocolate and free postcards. And we went to jazz improv night at this jazz cafe on the harbour...very sweet. Oh yeah! and I cut my hair. It looks pretty good, but if I had an extra hand or if I could take my head off and then cut it I would have done it a little differently. meh.
This morning I had to work at 6:30 because of the group of 60 who wanted breakfast at 7 (and we don't normally serve it 'til 8) but I got off earlier so I took a nap before school. Then tonight I went to home group with Nathalie and Mark where we did session 1 of the Alpha course. It was really good...and people asked really good questions. I'm so glad that Mark and Nathalie both came! And also Cati, one of the cleaners from the City who just became a Christian came with Melana, so that was really cool too.

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