Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas rush

So my dear sis has been getting after me for not blogging, but she has not commented on my blog even once. I'd just like to point that out before continuing with the rest of my blog.
Ok, moving on.
These last few days have been so busy, but I don't quite know why. Craziness...
Today I got up and thought, "Hey, I'll finally do my Christmas cards!" (sorry everyone, you probably won't get anything until January with the mail system and my tardiness) and as I was gathering my supplies together there was a knock at my door. Nynke and Katja came to remind me of small group. Oops! but it's ok, everyone was late this morning, and we had a fun small group anyways. I'm not sure why, but we seemed to laugh quite a bit.
Also, I forgot that tonight is the White Elephant Gift Exchange and have yet to buy my gift. This is bad, because I'm the one organizing it. Thankfully, Tina will be getting something for me to give.
So far this afternoon I have done one Christmas card. I think there may be a lot of people this year going without a card from me. HAPPY CHRISTMAS IN GENERAL TO EVERYONE. There, that oughta do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Megs!
It's your cousin Cathy!

I'm late with my Christmas cards too, and I just wanted to wish you a very very Merry Christmas!!!
We'll all miss you on Boxing Day.

I hope it stays white for you for Christmas.

I'm glad you're safe and having fun. Hope you're taking lots of pictures!

Lots of love