Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Do you ever feel like you don't know what to write or just don't feel like blogging, but you do it anyways? That's me right now.
All the intensity of last week's class (emotion-wise) is gone. There's actually time to think now, without being so overwhelmed. But somehow, I liked that week better. Maybe it was because God was so clearly at work in us. But then again, it was so intense that I don't know if I could handle that two weeks in a row, so this week is a nice break. Not like it's a break from God. On the contrary, I have more time this week (since I'm not reading Egan, YAY) to spend with him. But in class it's more practical (which makes sense, since it's a practicum) and not as spiritual. It certainly doesn't neglect the spiritual though. Anyways, I'm enjoying this class as well, and it's good practice and I'm learning a lot.
Last night Ashley (one of my classmates...also just moved out here from Ontario) and I went to church. Centre Street church has some 20s and 30s thing called Axis and we figured we'd check it out. Of course we show up on a "sex talk" night, which actually made me curious to see how different it would be from the high school sex talks. And, surprise, they played a video of Tim Bergmann speaking. Haha, so it was kinda fun, cuz I love his sermons. I started to fall asleep during our discussion...I couldn't stop the yawns. It wasn't a bad discussion or anything, just nothing really new. Whatever. Oh, and I randomly saw Steve Adam's brother Jeremy there. So that was kinda cool, even though I'm pretty positive he has no clue who I am, haha.
I miss the Shelter tonight. It would be cool to work another shift and hang out with those people again. But it's ok. I had good closure and I know my time there is over. It's nice to have such good memories, but I do miss people. I think that's the hardest thing about moving from one place to another, as much as I enjoy it. You get attached and then detached and the reattached to people.
Well, although I don't have to read Egan anymore, I do need to finish my paper on him. So I guess I'll go do that...

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