Saturday, January 28, 2006

mag ik een dutje doen?

The sun is shining! It's a beautiful day. I think I should go take pictures. Except for the fact that it's cold and I'm feeling wimpy regarding weather. Also, everyone is busy and I'd much rather go for a walk with someone than alone. Today at least. Maybe I'll convince Tina to go with me...

Tonight I'm going to see Mozart's Requium with Marco, and I think Christina, and I don't know who else, but it should be sweet. Since it's Mozart's 250th anniversary there are loads of Mozart concerts everywhere, and I'm pretty sure this one's free. sweet!

If you have ever heard of or seen the movie Sandlot please post a comment so Freek will stop mocking me. Also, feel free to send me the dvd so we can watch it because it was not to be found at the market today.

This morning Dave and I were looking for line dancing they teach you the steps in words. That's not a very good way to learn line dancing. Also, I don't really want to learn because it's not extremely fun, compared to other kinds of dancing. But our western ho-down night will be lame without any line dancing, so if you have any tips, let us know.

Also, Nynke and I are going to take salsa/swing/something-I-forgot dance lessons in April I think (if all works out) and we might need male partners. So if you're male, live in or near Amsterdam, aren't scary, we know you, and you want to learn how to dance, let us know. haha.


Nynke said...

We should be dancing, yeah!

Dance lessons will be fun! We should find something soon! And some boys too!

justmeghs said...

dave said he'd be my partner but then we have to find lessons asap cuz he's leaving in the end of march...and we'd still need to find another guy. it could happen.
ps, i'm inviting myself over on tuesday. and whoa! your job starts on wednesday, exciting! we'll have to do something special...

oh my everything!!! said...

1/2 meg--i know the movie sandlot;
if i had it on dvd, i'd send it.

if i was male i'd be knuffel's partner... heehee


Anonymous said...

I, too, know Sandlot, so you can tell everyone you're not crazy!! Sorry I don't have it, I'd send it for sure...but you know movies!!
Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

it's your big sister...your little brother owns the movie sandlot...maybe mom and dad could slide it in their luggage for you...its a good flick...enjoy all the concerts...should be fun times...oh and learn some more steps in salsa dancing for me please...lots of love...AW

justmeghs said...

that's true, i bought steps the movie...i'm sure it'll get here eventually somehow...haha
meil, we'll go to a salsa club when i come home, k? you should teach curtis, haha
love you!