Tuesday, January 17, 2006

random thoughts

Tuesday small group endures the curse of the empty fridge, which requires the attenders to either fast or be creative. Bread, cheese, muesli, and wrinkly fruit is the fare. and my favourite delight...yoghurt. Today I found an apple that appeared to still be fairl fresh, and I happily cut it up and proceeded to pour the watery/milky substance formerly known as yoghurt on top. After the initial shock wore off, I saw that the expiry date was 20-12-05. Grossness! I sneaked into the other small group and borrowed their yoghurt which had expired much more recently (January 9th).

On another note, if anyone is planning on going to some part of the Netherlands that actually gets winter and the canals freeze, consider this a self-invitation. I have wanted to skate on a canal since gr 5 when Shawna VanDyke (sorry, I don't remember your new last name) gave me Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates for my birthday. So help make a girl's childhood dream come true...and also you'll have the chance to laugh because I'm not used to having an extra decimeter sticking out in front of my skates and I look like a fool. haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't even remember that!! Haha - that's awesome!

It's great being able to read your posts!!! I wish I was there!!

Thinking about you :)

Shawna (Addink!)